Plotting Area


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User Created Board Ideas
We here at Heroverse want you to have the best time you can. So why not make your own place where other characters can interact? If the idea gets popular enough, you might even see it become its own board!
We here at Heroverse want you to have the best time you can. So why not make your own place where other characters can interact? If the idea gets popular enough, you might even see it become its own board!
badwolf Avatar
The Radiant shard and Orion present: Seven sins
updated May 16, 2019 5:07:09 GMT
3 10
Plot Pages
Thread trackers, relationship pages, or even an expanded history.
Thread trackers, relationship pages, or even an expanded history.
Agent Korri Richards Avatar
Nomad's Thread Tracker and Character Journal
updated Jan 15, 2019 2:31:19 GMT
11 12
Lore Pages
History, backgrounds, or any additional information that you want to add.
History, backgrounds, or any additional information that you want to add.
badwolf Avatar
Caste system
updated Apr 16, 2019 1:52:49 GMT


Zonkes Avatar
created by Zonkes CAFC Tier-Based Assessment
0 replies
last post created Dec 4, 2018 22:13:19 GMT
by Zonkes
19 threads 27 posts
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Thread trackers, plotters, social media pages, and everything else you wanna do to enhance your character!
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